
Vectrisanonlinevectorgraphicseditor,likeasimplerversionofAdobe...Youcansaveyourworktothecloud,orexportittoPNG,JPGorSVGfiles.,VECTRprovidestheabilitytocreateassessmentgroups,whichconsistofacollectionofCampaignsandsupportingTestCasestosimulateadversarythreats.,Commonvectorfileformatsare.svg,.cgm,.odg,.eps,and.xml.Raster(orbitmap)graphicsaremadeupoftinysquarescalledpixels.Oncearaster ...,Freevect...


Vectr is an online vector graphics editor, like a simpler version of Adobe ... You can save your work to the cloud, or export it to PNG, JPG or SVG files.

VECTR Documentation

VECTR provides the ability to create assessment groups, which consist of a collection of Campaigns and supporting Test Cases to simulate adversary threats.

What are vector graphics?

Common vector file formats are .svg, .cgm, .odg, .eps, and .xml. Raster (or bitmap) graphics are made up of tiny squares called pixels. Once a raster ...


Free vector graphics editor.


Vectr makes graphic editing smarter, faster & easier. · Free Forever · AI Powered · Chat Feature. Communicate as changes are made within the editor itself! Work ...


The first step is to click the Export button at the top right corner of your screen.. Click Download. Make sure you saved it as a SVG. You're done.

Vectr 免費跨平台同步圖形編輯工具,訴求簡單創作向量圖檔

2016年11月28日 — 編輯完成的向量圖檔,可以利用匯出功能,匯出成SVG 或PNG 檔案,也可以直接獲得可線上分享的圖片預覽網址。 「 Vectr 」在官方網站的訴求裡寫到 ...


可縮放向量圖形(英語:Scalable Vector Graphics,縮寫:SVG)是一種基於可延伸標記式語言(XML),用於描述二維向量圖形的圖形格式。SVG由W3C制定,是一個開放標準。